I do not believe a Christian man has a right to marry any unconverted woman. I do not believe any Christian woman has a right to marry an unconverted man. I imagine you will laugh about it and ridicule the whole idea, but here is the word of God for it. “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers.” “Wherefore come out from among them and be ye separate.” Now I never knew any one to go against the Bible that did not suffer for it.
Let him that takes off the harness laugh, not him that puts it on. It is not for you, young people, that have not seen as much of life and the world as some others, to say that you can go right on and dispute this thing. You can see it is plain. There is not a mother here that would not feel badly to have her daughter marry a man that could not bear her, but would only make her wretched and abuse her. There is no father here who would not be made miserable by such a possibility.
Do you suppose that God does not feel it to have His sons and daughters marry unregenerate and unconverted persons who hate Him, doubt Him, and misrepresent Him.— MOODY.