The Missionary Outlook

Why, the earth is like an old castle with twenty gates and a park of artillery ready to thunder down every gate. Lay aside all Christendom, and see how all heathendom is being surrounded and honey-combed and attacked by this all-conquering gospel.

At the beginning of this century there were only 150 missionaries; now there are 25,000 missionaries and native helpers and evangelists. At the beginning of this century there were only 50,000 heathen converts; now there are 1,650,000 converts from heathendom. There is not a sea-coast on the planet but the battery of the gospel is planted, and ready to march on, north, south, east, west.

You all know that the chief work of an army is to plant the batteries, and they may do all the work in ten minutes. These batteries are being planted in all nations. It may take a good while to plant them, but they may do all their work in a little while. They will.

Nations are to be born in a day. Hosts of the living God, march on, march on! The sky is brightening in every direction. I am glad for the boy and girl five years old: I think they may see the millennium. All nations will yet salute the flag of Prince Immanuel. To Him be glory in the church, throughout all ages.—TALMAGE.

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