A single grain of corn would, were the produce of each season sown again, so spread from field to field, from country to country, from continent to continent, as in the course of a few years to cover the face of the whole earth with one wide harvest, employing all the sickles, filling all the barns, and feeding all the mouths in the world.
Such an event, indeed, could not happen in nature, because each latitude has its own productions, and there is no plant formed to grow alike under the sun of Africa, and amid the snows of Greenland. It is the glory of the Gospel, and one of the evidences of its divine origin that it can; and, unless prophecy fail, that it shall.
There is not a shore which shall not be sown with this seed; not a land but shall yield harvests of glory to God and of souls for heaven. By revolutions that are overturning all things, by war’s rude and bloody share, and otherwise, God is breaking up the fallow ground, and ploughing the earth for a glorious seed-time.
The seed that sprang up in Bethlehem shall wave over Arctic snows and desert sands; and as every shore is washed by one sea, and every land that lies between the poles is girdled by one hemisphere, and every drop of blood in human veins belongs to one great family of brothers, so in God’s set time, men of every color and tongue shall cherish a common faith, and trust in a common Savior.—GUTHRIE.