Temporal Versus Eternal Interests

As death may happen any day, it is certainly wise to be prepared for it every day. So men make their wills; but, so, alas, they don’t mind their souls! This ye should have done, but not have left the other undone. There is no lawyer, but, if you have any property to dispose of, and would not have your death the signal for quarrels and lawsuits and heart burnings, will advise you to make a settlement, nor delay one day to do so.

Oh, how much more need to make your peace with God, and prepare your eternal rather than your temporal affairs for death,—to make it all up with Him who is willing to forgive all, and is now tarrying on the road, to give you time to get oil, and go forth with joy to the cry, “Behold the Bridegroom cometh.— GUTHRIE.

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