Occasionally a benevolent action wrought in faith brings with it an instantaneous recompense in kind; therein Providence is seen as smiling upon the deed. The late John Andrew Jones, a poor Baptist minister, whilst walking in Cheapside, was appealed to for help by some one he knew.
He had but a shilling in the world, and poised it in his mind to give or not to give? The greater distress of his acquaintance prevailed, and he gave his all, walking away with the sweet remembrance of the promise: “He that hath pity upon the poor, lendeth unto the Lord, and that which he hath given will He pay him again.’’
He had not gone a hundred yards further before he met a gentleman who said: “Ah, Mr. Jones, I am indeed glad to see you. I have had this sovereign in my waistcoat pocket for a week past for some poor minister, and you may as well have it.” Mr. Jones was wont to add, when telling the story: “If I had not stopped to give relief, I should have missed the gentleman and the sovereign too.”—SPURGEON.