Revival Conversions

I have more faith (put this down in your memorandum-book), I have more faith in men who are brought to God during revivals than during a frigid state of the church. I have had close observation in these things. Stand two men side by side.

Let them have equal endowments. You tell me that this man was brought in when the church was very cold, and the other was brought in while the church was very warm in revivals. I will say, “Give me the last one; I had rather have him than five of the other kind.

When are we going to get the world converted? When the people in solid columns march into the Kingdom of God, not by ones, but by tens, fifties and hundreds,. Oh, that the Lord would upturn this church with holy revivals! Oh, that such days might come as Richard Baxter saw in Kidderminster, as Jonathan Edwards saw in Northampton, as McCheyne saw in Dundee! “O, Lord, revive thy work!”—TALMAGE.

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