Little Sins

It is high time to get out of your sins. You say, “I have committed no great transgressions.” But are you not aware that your life has been sinful? The snow comes down on the Alps flake by flake, and it is so light that you may hold it on the tip of your finger without feeling any weight; but the flakes gather; they compact, until some day a traveler’s foot starts the slide, and it goes down in an avalanche, crushing to death the villagers.

So the sins of your youth, and the sins of your manhood, and the sins of your womanhood may have seemed only slight inaccuracies, or trifling divergences from the right—so slight that they are hardly worth mentioning, but they have been piling up and piling up, packing together and packing together, until they make a mountain of sin, and one more step of your foot in the wrong direction may slide down upon you an avalanche of ruin and condemnation.—TALMAGE.

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