Infidelity Defeated

The history of infidelity, were it written, would present a succession of ignominious defeats; defeats due not to any want of ability in those who have assailed the truth, but to this: that its defenders have driven them out of all their positions.

The history, the morality, the theology, the consistency,the authenticity, the genuineness of the Bible, the truth of its prophecies, and the very possibility of its miracles have been all attacked, each in its turn, and with the same result. We have seen the soldier return from the fields of war with scars as well as medals on his breast, but our religion has come out of a thousand fights unscarred, from a thousand fires unscathed.

She bears no more evidence of the assaults she has sustained than the air of the swords that have cloven it, or the sea of the keels which have ploughed its foaming waves; than some bold rooky headland of the billows that dashing against it in proud but impotent fury, have shivered themselves on its sides.— GUTHRIE.

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