The nature of Divinity as disclosed by Jesus Christ, is uplifting love in a God who does not sit like some old Jupiter seeking his own happiness, and indulging in self-worship; in a God that does not bargain or traffic; in a God of disinterested goodness, who is constantly pouring out his life in suffering, in burden-bearing, for the sake of saving men, and raising them from degradation and misery to a life of happiness and exaltation; in One who walks in sublime purity among men, and comes to his passion knowing what is before him, and drinks the cup to the very dregs, and will not turn back; in One, who for love’s sake dies heroically, ascends to heaven, and comes back and bears witness to mankind that they are ascending to His Father and their Father, and says, “Now go and preach to all that tho love of God was made plain to men by the sufferings of his only begotten son, that every man who hears it may know that though he be weak, imperfect and sinful, he has a Friend in heaven.”— BEECHER.
His Divinity Manifest In His Love