See Elijah on Mount Carmel, full of boldness. How the Lord used him! How the Lord stood by him! How the Lord blessed him! But when he got his eyes off the way, and Jezebel sent a message to him that she would have his life, he got afraid.
He was not afraid of Ahab and the whole royalty, not afraid of all the nation. He stood on Mount Carmel alone, and see what courage he had! But what came over him, I don’t know, unless it was that he got his eyes off the Lord. That, I think, is the trouble with a good many of God’s people. We get frightened, and are afraid to speak to men about their souls. We lack moral courage. The work of soul-saving will not begin until we get the courage to invite men to Christ, personally.
We read that when the Apostles were brought before the council, they perceived their boldness, and it made an impression on the council. The Lord could use them then because they were fearless and bold.—MOODY.