God Invites Us

“You know how rapidly the snow-flakes can accumulate on a winter’s day, and you know how soon they aggregate on the top of the Alps; and then, in certain conditions of the weather, that great block of snow which is made up of little snowflakes shoves off an avalanche on the villages beneath, destroying them.

So the sins of your life—cold, freezing transgressions—accumulating, accumulating, heaping up wrath against the day of wrath, at last, if unrepented of, will be an avalanche of darkness rolling down upon your soul.

They seem more like a cloud, black, thunder-charged, and flash with all the lightning of an incensed God, and then hover and swing about us until in the suffocation we gasp for mercy, and hope that a gale from heaven will blow away the cloud.

God is willing to lift that cloud. He says he is long-suffering and patient. He is the God of great pity. He is willing to blot out all your transgressions. He is willing to take you in the arms of His compassion. Oh, here is the letter! It is a letter from your Father, offended and outraged. It is a letter to you, the straying child.

He says “Come back, come back! Though your sins were as scarlet, they shall be as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” Pardon for all! Free pardon! Everlasting pardon! Adoption! Sonship! Oh, child, come home to Father, your Father, home, your home.”—TALMAGE.

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