Do Not Magnify Trifles

If a man should fire a house to destroy the mice in it, we should think him to be fairly mad. Yet those who consider themselves to be reasonable men will set the church in a blaze about the merest trifle.

Meeting after meeting will be called, and angry discussions provoked, and holy work overturned about the smallest mistake of the preacher, on the minutest fault of the deacon. One would think that heaven itself were endangered, and yet it turns out to be a question of infinitessimal importance.

Societies which were doing great service have often been broken up by the crazy whimsies of good brethren, who made much ado about nothing, and did great harm in trying to do a little good.

Aim at reformation, not at desolation. The church has been thought to be sick, and fools have doctored it till they brought it to death’s door by their poisons.—SPURGEON.

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