A great monarch was accustomed on certain set occasions to entertain all the beggars of the city. Around him were placed his courtiers, all clothed in rich apparel; the beggars sat at the same table in their rags of poverty.
Now it came to pass that on a certain day, one of the courtiers had spoiled his silken apparel, so that he dared not put it on, and he felt, “I can not go to the King’s feast to-day, for my robe is foul.” He sat weeping till the thought struck him, “To-morrow when the King holds his feast, some will come as courtiers happily decked in their beautiful array, but others will come and be made quite as welcome who will be dressed in rags.
Well, well,” said he, “so long as I may see the King’s face, and sit at the royal table, I will enter among the beggars.” So without mourning because he had lost his silken habit, he put on the rags of a beggar and saw the King’s face as well as if he had worn the scarlet and fine linen.
My soul has done this full many a time, when her evidences of salvation have been dim; and I bid you do the same when you are in like case, if you cannot come to Jesus as a saint, come as a sinner; only do come with simple faith to Him, and you shall receive joy and peace. —SPURGEON.