Cheerfulness In Contentment

Cheerfulness In Contentment
The way to happiness does not lie in attempting to bring our circumstances up to our minds, but our minds down to our circumstances.

Many birds wear a finer coat than the lark, nor is there any that dwells in a lowlier home; yet which of the feathered songsters soars so high, or sings so cheerily, or teaches man so well how to leave the day’s cares and labors for the bosom of his family, as when, neither envying the peacock his splendid plumage, nor the proud eagle her lofty realm, it drops singing into its grassy nest to caress its young, and with its wings to shield them from the cold dews of the night?

Let ours be the cheerful happiness of Him who, content with little, pleased with whatever pleases the Father, careful for nothing, thankful for anything, prayerful for and in everything, can say with Paul, “I have learned in whatsoever state I am, to be content.”—GUTHRIE.

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