Oh Christian man, Oh Christian woman! Have you any scars to show in this conflict? When a war is over the heroes have scars to show. One hero rolls back a sleeve and shows a gun-shot fracture, or he pulls down his collar and shows where he was wounded in the neck.
Another man says, “I have never had the use of my limb since I was wounded in that great battle.” When the last day comes, will we have any wounds to show for Christ! Will we show marks where we have borne the cross?—TALMAGE.
To the end of life the way of Christ is a way of cross-bearing and of self-denial. To the end of life men stand where these two great influences, one from heaven and the other from the bottom of the earth, meet, and whirl all things round about in struggles; and there is where men strive to overcome the old man that is lowest—the appetites; and to endow themselves with the new man—Christ Jesus.
Are you willing to stand at that point and identify yourself with all the humiliation and self-sacrifice which are necessary to put down the old man and to endow yourself with the new man that is in Christ Jesus?—BEECHER.