An Earnest Flea

If there were but one man in Siberia unsaved, and all the world were saved besides, if God should move our minds, it would be worthwhile for all the people in England to go after that one soul. Did you ever think of the value of a soul? Ah! ye have not heard the howls and yells of hell; ye have not heard the mighty songs and hosannas of the glorified; ye have no notion of what eternity is, or else ye would know the value of a soul.

Permit me, with all earnestness, to plead with you, on behalf of Christ, and Christ’s holy gospel, that you would stir yourselves up to renewed efforts for the spread of His truth, and to more earnest prayers that His kingdom may come. Ah! could I show you the tens of thousands of spirits who are now walking in outer darkness; could I take you to the gloomy chamber of hell, and show you myriads upon myriads of souls in unutterable torture, me-thinks you could ask yourselves: “Did I do anything to save these unhappy myriads?” They have been damned, and are you clear of their blood? “If the watchman warn them not, they shall perish, but their blood will He require at the watchman’s hands.”—SPURGEON.

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