Now we want these young converts to serve Christ. It is not too much to expect that each of you should bring twelve more. One young man came to me and said he was converted on the 3d of February; he had a list of fifty-nine persons, with the residence of each, whom he had since that time been instrumental in leading to Christ; and if that young convert had led fifty-nine, every man, woman, and child ought to be able to reach some.
Let each one go to work. That is the way to grow in strength. “They that water others shall themselves be watered, and the liberal soul shall be fed. God is able to make all grace abound.” Let me give you a little advice.
Let your friends be those who are in the church. Select for your companions experienced Christians. Keep company with those who know a little more than you do yourselves.
Of course, you get the best of the bargain; but from my own experience I know it is the best way to make advances in religious life. And get in love with the Book, and the world will lose its hold on you.—MOODY.
An address to converts at the close of a great revival In New York.