A People’s Book
More Bible is what is needed. The Bible must be taken out of the hands of the priest, and put into the hands of the people. I will not have it that the Bible is a mystery in the sense of being accessible only by experts; it is the people’s book in the sense that the air is the people’s air, and the firmament is the people’s firmament.
Of course the scientific man has his own view of the sky, and his own way of examining the air, yet the poorest dunce may look up into the solemn heights, and the meanest drudge drink in the living air.
Many people could make more of the sky itself than of a learned lecture upon it, and a mountain breeze could be appreciated when a chemical analysis would be misunderstood. It is so with the Bible.
Let the people themselves read “Moses and the prophets,” not send for a priest to read for them, but sit down to the sacred task and spell out the infinite thoughts.—PARKER.