The Word of God: Our Divine Guide in Life

The Word of God is like a torch or lamp that man holds in thick darkness, and it shows him the path of life.

The Word of God: Our Divine Guide in Life | Devotional

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

Psalm 119:105

The Word of God is like a torch or lamp that man holds in thick darkness, and it shows him the pathway of life. It therefore prevents him stumbling in life and steers him away from wandering off onto paths which could easily lead to destruction.

If the Word of God is rightfully applied, it turns him away altogether from dangerous terrain and onto the rightful path of life.

“… And a light unto my path.” The Word of God is a light which shines on the road that a man treads so that he may see the path, and again also he may see any danger which may be in his path.

He who makes the Word of God his guide and observes the teachings is on the right pathway of life. He will clearly see the road map of life, be able to mark the road on which he ought to go, and circumvent the path which could easily lead him astray.

He will see any obstacle which may lie in his path and any downward slope or abyss which may be near in a dark night that one might fall. Man needs a guide, and the Bible is such a guide.

The whole Scripture is a light shining in a dark place, a lamp or torch to be carried in the hand of anyone who so desires while he passes through this dark world.

The Word of God: Our Divine Guide in Life
Father, I pray that Your indwelling Holy Spirit may set my life ablaze for Your glory

By the light of this lamp, the way of truth and godliness are made manifest in which man should walk. The rays of this light which shines, he may see and shun the stumbling blocks in his way and escape falling into pits and ditches.

The Word of God for this dark world is a lamp and a light to shine forth to all, more especially for the Christian to see distinctly the maneuverings and deeds of the dark forces of this world.

1 John 5:19 says, “… And the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one.” The Word of God is a lamp kept burning with the oil of the Spirit.

It is like the lamps in the sanctuary that outshine everything within; so, it is with us to expose the inner sanctuary of hearts and minds.

It must be not only a light to our eyes, but a light to our feet and to our path to direct us in the right ordering of our conversation, direction in life, and the way of life in general.

What the world judges as right is often crooked, perverse and subjective. However, God’s Word absolutely judges right and perfect.

The judgment of God, according to His Word, approves no other manner of living than that which is framed according to the rule of His Word.

Unless the Word of God enlightens men’s paths, the whole of their life is enveloped in darkness and obscurity. They cannot do anything else than miserably wander from the right way.

But when we submit ourselves with meekness to the teaching of God’s Law as a light to our path, we are in no danger of going astray.

Life is too full of perils for a man to trust his own eyesight, instinct, and wisdom. Life is full of landmines planted in our way of life by the forces of darkness, however, life-perils can be passed safely through with the help of God’s lamp—the Word of God.

It gives the man general principles, moral strength, and also precise counsel, guiding actual conduct in every sphere of life. It is the lantern held down close to the feet, so as to direct our next footstep in life.

The Bible is a safety-lamp which God has invented for every purpose of life. Thus, the acronym—BIBLE (Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth) is quite reflective.

The question to ask is this: What should those who have this lamp do with it, that is the Word of God?

Use it themselves to chart the rightful path of destiny and send it to others to guide them toward safety shores of life? Today, may you hold and cling aggressively to His Word in order to outshine every uneven and darkest spot of life unseen.

Let the light in you manifest in every sphere of your life activity to the glory of the lord. O, beloved, believe in the Word of God today, and let it keep shining in your pathway of life. Amen.

Suggested further reading: Proverbs 6:23; 2 Peter 1:19


Father in Heaven, I thank You for Your Word, a lamp to shine forth in my pathway of life. Again, Father, thank You for Your Word, a glaring shining light to guide me through perilous times.

Father, I pray that Your indwelling Holy Spirit may set my life ablaze for Your glory. Again, Father, I pray that Your indwelling Holy Spirit may crush, expose, and demolish all traps and ditches of the enemy.

Thank You, Father, for hearing me. In Jesus’ precious name, I pray. Amen.

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