There are deep, hidden and secret things in the Word of God which are not perceived by the natural man. Therefore, illumination from God is necessary for man to perceive spiritual things.
Spiritual Enlightenment | Reflections
Open my eyes, that I may see the wondrous things from Your law [Scriptures].
Psalm 119:18
By natural vision, we see things on the surface and wallow in ignorance concerning the glorious things about God. But there are deep, hidden and secret things in the Word of God which are not perceived by the natural man. Therefore, illumination from God is necessary for man to perceive spiritual things.
The psalmist cried to God, “Open my eyes, that I may see the wondrous things from Your law (word).” The heart of man is darkened by sin, and there is a veil of darkness and ignorance in the hearts of all men with respect to divine and spiritual things.
This veil must be removed, and the scales must drop from the eyes in order for the eyes to be opened and enlightened before they can discern spiritual things which are contained in the Word of God.
Saul, later called Apostle Paul, a man of great genius and capability, encountered the Risen Jesus Christ on the road of Damascus, and thereafter had his life forever transformed. The resulting effect of the encounter was that scales fell from his eyes, and his eyes opened spiritually (Acts 9:17–18).

Consequently, divine purpose for his life unfolded to him to be a great Apostle of our lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Beloved, should we not cry and say, “O lord, open our spiritual eyes to behold the glorified Christ in order to fulfill our life assignment and purpose!”
The Psalmist deplores his own blindness as well as that of the whole human race. However, he says a remedy is at hand for mankind—the glorious illumination God offers through the Gospel of Jesus Christ to remove the blindness from the eyes of humanity.
The Psalmist cried, “Open my eyes” and this should be the cry of every true child of God! No one has the fullest and most proper appreciation of divine truth, beauty, spiritual meaning, grandeur and sublimity of the Word, unless there is spiritual enlightenment that God illumines from above.
For this reason, Apostle Paul said, “The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints” (Ephesians 1:18).
The Psalmist mentioned the wondrous things of the Law to humble us and to help us contemplate that Law with admiration. It also persuades us to know of our great need of God’s grace in order to understand the mysteries of His Word which surpasses our limited capacity.
There are great and excellent things in His word, things suited to excite wonder and amazement, and things which are secret or hidden from the common view of natural man.
These are the deep and immense spiritual wherewithal to fill the mind to admire God, the excellency of Jesus Christ, His incarnation, sufferings, and death. The blessings of grace through Him, the eternal salvation, forgiveness, peace, pardon, righteousness, the resurrection of the dead, and many others.
The Word contains so many wondrous things that a lifetime study would not reveal them all to us. Let us then daily call upon God and cry to Him to open our eyes and enlighten our mind by the light of thy Holy Spirit in order to dispel all ignorance and error and to enter fully to fulfill the purposes of God for our lives.
Great and marvelous depths of divine wisdom and goodness, the profound mysteries of Christ, and we hereby enjoin to cry out to Him: O lord God, open our eyes to behold them! O God, illuminate our understanding so that we may see wondrous things in Your Word.
Our prayer, beloved should then be: O, lord, open our eyes and give us spiritual illumination to grasp the beauty and richness inherent in thy Word, which alone can satisfy the longing and insatiable human soul. O lord, to the invaluable, endurable and imperishable things, open our eyes to them.
It is only when our eyes are opened by Your Word and by thy Spirit that we can understand and appreciate the wonder of Your salvation, compassion, and the glorious inheritance You have in store for us. Thank You, lord, for Your Word. We praise thy holy name forever and ever. Amen.
Suggested further reading: Isaiah 60:19; Luke 24:28–32; Ephesians 1:15–22
Almighty and everlasting Father, open my eyes and give me a humble heart of understanding and wisdom. Father God, I pray, open my eyes to behold the beauty and the spiritual pearl in Your Word.
Thank You, Father, for the heart of understanding to know Your Son, Jesus Christ, the only Saviour of the world. Again, thank You, Father, open my eyes to comprehend the mysteries of thy Word. Father, I bless and honour You. In Jesus Christ’s precious name, I pray with thanksgiving. Amen.