The journey of life has us tumbling up and down with tremendous challenges, and no one can precisely predict what could happen along the road map which reels before us daily.
Road Map of Success in Life | Sermon
This book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.
Joshua 1:8
The journey of life has us tumbling up and down with tremendous challenges, and no one can precisely predict what could happen along the road map which reels before us daily. The direction of life’s journey twists and turns, and no two directions are totally the same. However, the fact remains that Jehovah-Shammah will always be with His people.
Therefore, we should banish every fearful thought and apprehension in life, for He is not a God to renege on His promises. He will forever be with His people on every voyage of life! As a child of God, you’re His elect with a great and awesome destiny.
Your daily affairs of life are sovereignly navigated by His divine direction. Hence do not be discouraged and fearful to embark upon this journey with Him. Along this journey, however, there will be many knotty questions you may have to decide on.

Many overwhelming and arduous circumstances may cross your path, and many also are the occasions on which you may err along this journey, just began. The command therefore to meditate upon the Word of God is to be no formal perusal but an endeavor to grasp the real meaning of God’s Word in order to navigate your way successfully for the year.
Joshua was chosen by God to take the children of Israel to the Promised Land. God encouraged him with a warmhearted speech assuring him of His protection, care, and presence. God urged him to obey the Law of God as a guide to his prosperity and success.
He was directed by the lord to consult the Book of the Law incessantly and to meditate on the Law of God day and night in order that his way might be prosperous and successful. If Joshua kept God’s Word, God would keep him; if he diligently observed and acted according to what was written in the book of the Law, God would cause his way to be prosperous.
Surely, the lord prospered Joshua and had good success as he absolutely depended upon God and His Word. The lord God who commanded and led Joshua has not changed. He is the same lord God commanding us to keep His Word.
Today, we embark upon a life journey of 365 days; it is an adventure with the way unknowable to anyone, but the way is knowable to Him, the only wise God. He who consults omniscience is helped by omnipotence.
A traveler who sets to embark upon an adventure may have a lot of enthusiasm for the journey. Therefore, he will need a reliable map as a guide to his destination, or else the journey will become a dangerous mission.
By the same token, to undertake life’s journey, one needs a reliable mapping guide to successfully navigate the way to get to the right destination in life. God’s Word is a Living Guide with written directions, and He aids in the performance of them.
Thus, in order to prosper and have good success in all endeavors and pursuits of life, the cardinal principle is to make the Word of God (Law of God) our guide, frequently meditate upon it, speak of it, and study it day and night.
Matthew Henry said, “No man’s dignity or dominion sets him above the law of God.” If the Word of God rules our minds and hearts, then whatever affairs of this world we have to bump into, whatever giants we may have to encounter, and whatever wars we might have to fight with our enemies, we shall be victorious and have good success.
We shall therefore never be defeated! For this life journey of 365 days, the success of it would depend more on our spiritual state and the degree of our obedience to God’s Word, for those who are obedient to God the Scripture says, “The young lions lack and suffer hunger; But those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing” (Psalm 34:10).
Therefore, let no sense of your own infirmities dishearten you for our God is an all-sufficient lord. Beloved, you have every reason to be strong and courageous. Thus, repose in His love and have perfect peace in Him and let us embark upon the life journey of 365 days with Him.
He who called Joshua strengthened and gave him the direction to study well the Book of the Law, seemed to say to us today, “Take this book of the law for your life journey; it shall be thy food, so live upon it and carry it as a torch, for it will illuminate thy pathway of life.”
On this journey of life, in the thickest darkness when life seems impassable, the truth of God’s Word and its power shall scatter doubt and confusion and His light would shine forth your pathway of life.
A ray of hope shall emerge for you to bask in the consciousness of God’s divine presence. Surely, the advice given to Joshua is applicable to all who daily study and meditate on God’s Word.
And if we do so, the seemingly cloud of uncertainties in life would dissipate, and our fears and trepidations would change to confidence and serenity in life. Let us therefore be courageous and depend upon Him alone, knowing very well that He who has promised us is faithful and would be with us for every passing day of the year. lord, we pray: Let Your Word guide us this day and throughout the journey of 365 days and beyond. Thank You, Heavenly Father. Amen.