While in our human reckoning of time, God’s answer may be slow in coming, His track record in history reminds us that He will answer, and He will deliver and bless His people in His own time.
Never Be Ashamed Of Yourself | Sermon by Augustine Ampratwum-Duah
“… They trusted, and You delivered them. They cried to You, and were delivered; They trusted in You, and were not ashamed [disappointed]”
Psalm 22:4–5
Psalm of hope and faith! The history of God’s faithfulness to His people in Israel is an ongoing reminder that we can trust Him to deliver us too. While in our human reckoning of time, God’s answer may be slow in coming, His track record in history reminds us that He will answer, and He will deliver and bless His people in His own time, not according to our own set time.
In our worst of nightmares, we can be reminded that God is faithful and attentive to our cries of despair, lament, grief, agony, and fear.
David gathered together the examples of the past dealings with his forefathers in order to encourage, strengthen, and effectually persuade him that as God had never cast off any of His chosen people, He would also be one of those for whom deliverance is securely laid up in store for him.
He therefore expressly declares that he belongs to the offspring of those who had been heard; and that he is an heir of the same grace which they had experienced.
![Never Be Ashamed of Yourself](https://www.ourdailydevotional.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/never-be-ashamedof-yourself-psalm-22-4-5-sermon-by-augustine-ampratwum.jpg)
The people of God may always take consolation in the fact that God has always intervened on behalf of His people who trusted and called upon Him in faith.
God is always the same, and may we strengthen our faith in our trials with the assurance that He never changes. Thus, whatever circumstances seemed overburdened with, when the afflicted called upon Him.
He will deliver him. It clearly stated, “… They trusted in You … and were not ashamed.” Thus, men who put their confidence in God are never disappointed; they are never left to feel that they have put their trust in an unknown God where no help was to be found. When men trust in something and it fails, they are filled with disappointment, shame and confusion, and they eventually give up in life.
However, they who trust in Jehovah God are never confounded or made to feel ashamed, for their expectations do not perish. Never has any who hoped in God been made to feel ashamed of their hope. Never has any who sought God did so in vain.
Trust in Him with every fibre of your being, and you will never be let down or disappointed! What are you ashamed of in life or disappointed over? It is your makeup, colour, size or shape, descent, background, or whatever you may think of. Adam and Eve blew it and got ashamed of their awful and despicable condition. And as such, they vainly sought to cover their nakedness. However, the lord who is so merciful and gracious in His divine care reached out to Adam and Eve, sheltered and clothed them.
lord God, who never changes through His Son, Jesus Christ, desires to cover your shame and nakedness in life, never to be ashamed again. The shame culture that once enveloped you is ripped off with the blood of Christ Jesus.
Shout hallelujah to His majestic name! Beloved, believe in the lord Jesus Christ, and you will never be ashamed of any condition in life.
Jesus Christ has taken your shamefulness to the cross at Calvary! Call out to Him now, trust Him now, and the righteousness of Him would shine forth like a sunbeam to light your path and to deliver and rescue you! Amen.
Suggested further reading: Isaiah 46:4; Psalm 56:13
Awesome lord, powerful and majestic, who is able to reach to the ends of the earth to deliver His people who trusted, believed, and put their faith in Him. Father, You deliver all who faithfully call upon Your name and never expose them to the ridicule of the enemy. Thank You, lord, for the sufficiency of Thy grace available through Your Son, Jesus Christ.
I shout today that I am forever free from every shame which comes from the enemy. I am righteous in Jesus Christ, and His everlasting blood cleanses me and makes me whole. Thank You, Father God. Your name will be glorified and magnified forever and ever. Amen.