Everlasting Waters of Life For the Soul

Spiritual functions often parallel physical functions. Our bodies hunger and thirst, and so do our souls! Water is an essential mineral we all need in life for refreshment of the soul and to quench our thirst.

Everlasting Waters Of Life For The Soul Sermon by Augustine Ampratwum-Duah

But whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.
John 4:14

Spiritual functions often parallel physical functions. Our bodies hunger and thirst, and so do our souls! Water is an essential mineral we all need in life for refreshment of the soul and to quench our thirst.

What a precious gift for mankind! Jesus Christ, however, offers mankind a spiritual qualitative water we neither carry nor purify to quench the insatiable human thirst. This is the water the Holy Spirit offers us. This is the water which gives us eternal life that starts now and lasts forever!

By nature, the soul is like a desert, or like a traveller wandering through a desert. It is thirsting for happiness and satisfaction, seeking it everywhere, and finding it nowhere. It looks in all directions and tries all objects but in vain.

Everlasting Waters of Life For the Soul
To know more of Christ is to drink from the deep fountain of life’s spring water which brings eternal satisfaction to the weary and thirsty soul

Nothing meets its desires. People naively seeks joy in wealth and pleasures, yet they are not satisfied and never will satisfy the spiritual thirst of life.

To such a weary, thirsty, and unfulfilled man or woman, the water that Christ offers is “as cold waters to a thirsty soul.” Whatever waters of comfort one drinks yields temporary satisfaction; he shall thirst again.

Man’s thirst for lust and pleasures is never satisfied. He would be exhausted and shall still hunger for more. Such is the insatiable lust of mankind.

But whoever partakes of the Spirit of grace, and the comforts of the Gospel, the soul shall abundantly be satisfied. Whoever thirsty is invited to take and drink the water of life freely offered by Jesus Christ, and that person shall be filled and forever not thirsty.

That fountain of water He gives bubbles, and it is not like a stagnant pool which is lifeless, but like an ever-living fountain. It flows at all seasons of the year, in heat and cold, and in all external climatic conditions of life, whether foul or fair, wet or dry.

In the midst of all the changes in the external circumstances of life—prosperity, adversity, persecution, contempt, or death—this living water within refreshes and cheers the soul, and it does not dry out. It still lives on.

There is such fullness in Christ that He alone is everything to the believer who comes to Him and partakes the living water He freely gives.

When you come to Christ, all your desires are satisfied in Him, and you would then have no need for the worldly lusts that falsely promise to satisfy human desires but instead, destroy lives.

To know more of Christ is to drink from the deep fountain of life’s spring water which brings eternal satisfaction to the weary and thirsty soul. People, what a marvelous and gracious gift we have—the living spring of water—and there is enough in the lord to satisfy now and forever.

All should come and partake the water freely from Jesus Christ. Assuredly, you would never to be thirsty in life. Sip a little of the everlasting water today, and you would continuously feel the yearning desire always to drink it till eternity.

This living water of life—satiable, enjoyable, and delightful to the soul—will bring an everlasting, blissful life. Thank God! Amen.

Suggested further reading: Isaiah 55:1; John 6:35; Revelation 21:6


Heavenly Father, You abundantly satisfy all weary hearts and souls in life that draw nearer to You. Father, through Your Son, Jesus Christ, You have provided mankind with the living water of life, and whoever becomes a partaker shall never be thirsty. lord of Heaven and the earth, I honour and appreciate this precious free gift of living water.

My prayer is that You help me daily in Your graciousness to come to the living fountain of life for my eternal satisfaction. Thank You, Father, for hearing me. In Jesus’ precious name, I pray. Amen.

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