Noah was not so safe in his ark; Lot was not so safe in Zoar; the man-slayer was not so safe in the city of refuge—as the true believer is in Christ.
What will abiding in Christ secure?
Noah was not so safe in his ark; Lot was not so safe in Zoar; the man-slayer was not so safe in the city of refuge—as the true believer is in Christ.
Abiding in Christ, to him there is no condemnation; every sin is pardoned; the whole, the perfect, the glorious righteousness of Christ is his! All the glorious perfections of His nature are thrown around the man who abides in Him. He is . . .
safe from Satan, who cannot destroy him;
safe from sin, which shall not have dominion over him;
safe from men, for no weapon formed against him shall prosper; and
safe from death, for Jesus has said, “He who keeps My sayings shall never taste of death.” In Christ! his person is secure.
Abiding in Christ—all things work together for his good. Happy believer, no one shall ever pluck you out of your Redeemer’s hands, or sever you from your Savior’s love! Abiding in Christ will not only secure our safety—but our happiness! Happy, thrice happy is the man who is in Christ.
He is not only pardoned—but justified;
not only justified—but accepted and pleasant in the sight of God;
not only accepted—but adopted, and is God’s beloved child;
not only a beloved child—but an heir of God, and a joint heir with Christ!
Is it not enough to make a man happy, to know that God . . .
has blotted out all his sins;
has given him a glorious, eternal inheritance;
and never looks upon him, but as in Christ, nor treats him otherwise than as a beloved child?