The Love of God’s Word

What we love is what we think of! The Law is God’s Law. In other words, it is God’s Word, and therefore, it is our love since we love Him.

The Love Of God’s Word | Reflections

Oh, how I love Your law! It is my meditation all the day.
Psalm 119:97

What we love is what we think of! The Law is God’s Law. In other words, it is God’s Word, and therefore, it is our love since we love Him. If we love God, we love His Law. “Oh, how I love Your law!” the Psalmist cried. We not only revere Him, but we love His Law as well.

What we love is what we care for, and what we love is what we have reverence for. We love it for its holiness and wisdom, and we love it for its perfection. Even when it chides us for disobedience, we love it nonetheless.

Furthermore, it says, “It is my meditation all the day.” Here, the Word of God is presented to us for earnest pondering; not just quick reading or just randomly pick-me-up verses but a call to a deeper and more serious concentration for committed believers of the lord.

Meditation is a life principle to be developed, for we don’t realize how often the Bible urges us to meditate. Meditation is a powerful weapon at our disposal to use, because it ministers life to us when it becomes a habitual exercise. God told Joshua to meditate on the Law, day and night (Joshua 1:8).

Here, we get the impression that Joshua throws his mind fully into action, to saturate his mind with God’s Word in order to be successful and prosperous. Further, Psalm 1:1–3 says, “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful; But his delight is in the law of the Lord, And in His law he meditates day and night.

He shall be like a tree, Planted by the rivers of water, That brings forth its fruit in its season, Whose leaf also shall not wither; And whatever he does shall prosper.”

Meditation has a reward; it’s not just a religious ritual and recitation.

So, when God’s Law and meditation are blended together, as the Psalmist recognized, the day grows happier and the heart glows and animates in the presence of God.

Believer, when the love for His Law becomes our delight, and this delight is shown by making it a frequent subject of our meditation all the day, we would be amazed by how much power will be released into our life from this practice. We meditate on God’s Word because we love God and His Word. Isn’t that your desire, believer?

There is a phrase that goes, “familiarity breeds contempt,” which is to say that spending lots of time with someone you know will make you admire him less. However, the reverse is true of God’s Word. The more one loves God’s Word and daily meditates on His Law, the more intimacy one has with God and His Word, and the more one’s face becomes radiant.

Matthew Henry, the theologian, said, “A good man carries his Bible (the Law of God) with him, not in his hands, yet in his head and in his heart.” The more we love God’s Word, the more we would meditate daily on His Word, the more we would be able to draw readily upon its strength and power in time of trouble.

The love and meditation of God’s Word, how sweet to the soul. It is a sacred treasure to be mined, the heart is strengthened when the mind focuses on Him.

No wonder the Psalmist cried, “Oh, how I love Your law! It is my meditation all the day.” Beloved, in your daily quest of life, love God’s Law and not the world, for it contains therein great treasures for the prosperity of soul and body, and more importantly, to live for all eternity in the radiance of God’s glory. Amen.
Suggested further reading: Psalm 119:159; Jeremiah 15:16


Father Almighty, may You help me through thy Holy Spirit to spend quality time every day meditating upon the inexhaustible treasures of Your Word. Thank You for the love of Your Word, which fills my mind and heart, making melody in my heart as well.

Again, thank You for the richness of Your Word, which animates my heart in my daily meditation, and I therefore give You all the glory, honour and praise. In the precious name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

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