The Failure of the Disciples

Some might be tempted to assume that it reflects poorly on Jesus’ leadership that all His followers would forsake Him at His arrest.

The Failure of the Disciples | John MacArthur | Daily Reflection

“Awake, O sword, against My Shepherd, against the Man who is My Companion,” says the LORD of hosts. “Strike the Shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered; then I will turn My hand against the little ones.” Zechariah 13:7

Some might be tempted to assume that it reflects poorly on Jesus’ leadership that all His followers would forsake Him at His arrest. Perhaps that is the very reason all the gospel writers included Jesus’ prediction of their denial. Here again we have proof of Jesus’ omniscience and His sovereign control over the events that were taking place.

It was inexcusable that the disciples were caught off guard. But Jesus knew perfectly what was about to happen. His sovereignty is thus magnified by the weakness of His disciples. His faithfulness is shown in stark contrast to their unfaithfulness. His strength is made perfect in their weakness.

Christ not only knew that the disciples would abandon Him; He also knew that His prediction of their failure would go unheeded. He had already prayed for them, that their faith would not fail (Luke 22:32).

And His prayer—like all His prayers—would be answered in God’s perfect plan and timing. None of these events were accidental. Everything came to pass exactly as Christ foretold.

All of this underscores His absolute sovereignty. Not one event that evening came as a surprise to Him. The actions of His disciples, the actions of Judas, and the actions of the arresting soldiers were all known to Him before they occurred.

Matthew, who wrote as an eyewitness to these events, noted that Jesus Himself foretold the disciples’ abandonment as a fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy. When He predicted their failure, He cited Zechariah 13:7. This, like so many details associated with Jesus’ crucifixion, “was done that the Scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled” (Matt. 26:56).

How does Christ respond in the times you lack the courage to stay faithful to Him?

John MacArthur Quotes
Bible verses that discuss the Disciples

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