Yahweh-Channun – God of Grace

God is known as the God of grace (literally, the God of “undeserved favor”). What does such unmerited blessing look like in a person’s life?

“The Lord is gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion.”
Psalm 116:5

God is known as the God of grace (literally, the God of “undeserved favor”). What does such unmerited blessing look like in a person’s life?

God showed grace to Joseph’s brothers when He allowed Joseph to rescue them years after they mistreated him and sold him into slavery (Genesis 50:19–21).

God poured out grace on the Israelites when He gave them a second set of tablets inscribed with the Ten Commandments after they disobeyed and disappointed Him (Genesis 32, 34).

God’s grace rested on King David when he received forgiveness after arrogantly committing adultery and murder (2 Samuel 12:13).

Grace in the form of strength and renewal was shown to the prophet Elijah after he doubted God (1 Kings 19). Moved by the desperate prayer of the abominable King Manasseh of Judah, God graciously restored Manasseh to his kingdom (2 Chronicles 33).

And God’s grace was lavished on Peter when he received a second chance after denying Jesus (John 21).

By His immeasurable grace, God ambushed Saul, the zealot committed to wiping out the church, and transformed him into Paul, the missionary with a heart as big as the world and a desire to see local churches spring up to the ends of the earth (Acts 9).
Paul never quite got over God’s grace.

In fact, he was so awed that God would forgive him, “the worst” of sinners (1 Timothy 1:15), and also use him, he even started ten of his thirteen New Testament letters with the words “Grace to you . . . from God.”

Because God is essentially gracious (and because He never changes), guess what? He’s gracious to us too. He does not treat us as our sins deserve. “The LORD longs to be gracious to you; therefore he will rise up to show you compassion” (Isaiah 30:18).

If you think you’ve sinned terribly, or that you’ve failed to adequately appreciate God’s blessings, you’re right, of course. The good news is that God is forgiving, patient, and kind.

Grace is not only God’s nature but His name.
How has God shown you grace in your life beyond what you deserve?

In fact, he was so awed that God would forgive him, “the worst” of sinners (1 Timothy 1:15), and also use him, he even started ten of his thirteen New Testament letters with the words “Grace to you . . . from God.”

Because God is essentially gracious (and because He never changes), guess what? He’s gracious to us too. He does not treat us as our sins deserve. “The LORD longs to be gracious to you; therefore he will rise up to show you compassion” (Isaiah 30:18).

If you think you’ve sinned terribly, or that you’ve failed to adequately appreciate God’s blessings, you’re right, of course. The good news is that God is forgiving, patient, and kind.

Grace is not only God’s nature but His name.
How has God shown you grace in your life beyond what you deserve?

Lord, I deserve to be separated from You because of my sin, and yet in Your graciousness, You have provided a way for me to be forgiven and to be Your child. I am humbled and thankful. Amen.

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