The history of the Hebrew people is filled with great men and women known as judges. Such men as Samuel, Samson, and Gideon (and an amazing woman known as Deborah) didn’t wear robes, wield gavels, and preside over courtrooms.
“Far be it from you to do such a thing—to kill the righteous with the wicked, treating the righteous and the wicked alike. Far be it from you! Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?”
Genesis 18:25
The history of the Hebrew people is filled with great men and women known as judges. Such men as Samuel, Samson, and Gideon (and an amazing woman known as Deborah) didn’t wear robes, wield gavels, and preside over courtrooms.
They had a different kind of job description. They were called to the tasks of governing, defending, leading, vindicating, delivering the people, and executing judgment.
The Old Testament word judge comes from a Hebrew verb that means to act as governor, lawgiver, or judge. In other words, the biblical leaders called judges carried out all three functions of government—executive, legislative, and judicial.
It’s in this light that the Bible refers to God as a judge. He rules. He guides. He saves and delivers.
Furthermore, we can have confidence that He will set things right.
•Is He to be respected? Yes. God is exalted and rules over all.
•Is He to be trusted? Yes. God is wise, and His ways lead to life.
• Is He to be feared? Yes. God is determined to bring about vindication and justice.
For all these reasons, we love and worship God. He protects His own and keeps them in His care.
What do you need in your life today? A reminder that life is not out of control? Encouragement to keep doing right (even when it seems pointless)? A renewed sense of hope that justice will win out in the end?
God is our Judge. He rules with equity. He guides wisely. He administers justice faithfully. “Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?”
How are you hoping that God our righteous Judge will someday set things right?
Lord, you are just and fair at all times and in every way. I pray for those who are oppressed and ask You to bring justice to them quickly. Amen.