Rum Rosh – The One Who Lifts my Head

According to David, God is the Friend who lifts our head. David knew what it was to be depressed and overwhelmed. He understood sadness and grief. He was familiar with guilt, shame, and pain.

“But you, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high.” Psalm 3:3

The little girl is exhausted and scared. It has been a week since the earthquake destroyed her home in Haiti, separating her from everyone she knows. Her face is dirty and wet with tears. Her dress is torn, and she is hungry.

Afraid to look anyone in the eye, she trudges along hopelessly and aimlessly, staring only at the ground in front of her.

When a caring friend sees the little girl, he runs to her and grabs her by the shoulders. Then, carefully cupping the girl’s chin, he lifts her head. Suddenly she’s looking into a pair of kind and familiar eyes.

Immediately her heart surges with newfound strength and hope. This moment is a powerful reminder that the little girl is not alone. Her situation is not hopeless. She has a friend who will walk with her and help her find the help she needs.

According to David, God is the Friend who lifts our head. David knew what it was to be depressed and overwhelmed. He understood sadness and grief. He was familiar with guilt, shame, and pain.

But he also knew what it was like to have God take him by the chin, lift his head, and offer hope.

To be human in this broken world is to suffer pain and hardship. As we read in Job: “Yet man is born to trouble as surely as sparks fly upward” (5:7).

While pain is real, so is the comfort and help God gives.
God tenderly lifts our heads, looks in our eyes, exalts us, and lets us know we are not alone.

When is the last time you felt God lift your chin and offer hope?

God, You lovingly and tenderly lift my head—and my eyes—to You when I am not able to do it on my own. Thank You for Your continued love. Thank You for the hope You offer. Amen.

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