Melekh HaGoyim – King of Nations

God chose Abraham and promised He would bless the world through his descendants (Genesis 12:3). But this didn’t mean God would be King of the Jews—Abraham’s descendants—only.

“Who should not fear you, King of the nations? This is your due. Among all the wise leaders of the nations and in all their kingdoms, there is no one like you.” – Jeremiah 10:7

Moses witnessed God defeat the enemies of the Hebrew people. He celebrated God, recognizing Him as more than the King of the Hebrews but the King over all.

Moses knew that God was the one who appointed and deposed Kings. He supersedes all earthly powers (Deuteronomy 3:21; 7:24).

Many generations later, Jeremiah watched the painful fall of the nation of Israel. And with a heart torn by grief, Jeremiah also recognized God as the Melekh HaGoyim: King of nations.

It was probably easy for Moses to herald God as King of the nations. It was surely harder for Jeremiah, who could only stand by helplessly as his people were devastated.

God’s kingship over the earth does not depend on news headlines or the pronouncements of so-called experts.

Even when things look bleak (our business fails, our families suffer, the country turns away from God, or nations threaten war), God is still on His throne. No matter what, we can put our confidence in Him as King, just as Jeremiah did.

God chose Abraham and promised He would bless the world through his descendants (Genesis 12:3). But this didn’t mean God would be King of the Jews—Abraham’s descendants—only.

Since the beginning, He has been reigning and ruling over all individuals, all families, all people groups, and all countries—even those who have tried to close their borders to Him.

Revelation 15:3 offers a final mention of God as the King of the nations. When the storyline of the world draws to a close, evil will have run its course and approached its end.

In the final chapter of history, God will be declared the winner, the last one standing, the King of the nations.

No matter where we look—past, present, or future—our God is in charge. He is King of the nations.

What world events seem most overwhelming without the hope of the King of the nations?

God, You reveal Yourself as King of the nations. You rule and You reign. I can be confident in the fact that You have determined the end of history’s story. Amen.

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