Maqowr Chay Mayin – Fountain of Living Waters

He is a constant, endless supply of refreshing life. He delivers peace and relaxation. When we stop and really focus on Him, we are treated to mesmerizing beauty. Like a fountain, He brings joy and contentment.

“My people have committed two sins: They have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water.” JEREMIAH 2:13

Every year, millions of people stand in Yellowstone National Park waiting for Old Faithful to erupt. This famous geyser—a natural spring, a veritable fountain from the deep—has fascinated people for centuries and continues to draw tourists from all over the world.

Those who can’t afford a trip to Yellowstone are no less charmed by smaller spectacular fountains and waterfalls at their local parks. We sit mesmerized, listening to the water gurgle, fall, and flow. Something about a fountain (or spring or babbling brook) seems to calm our spirits. It’s no wonder that so many airports and hospitals are adding fountains to their waiting areas.

What, exactly, about a fountain enthralls us so? Perhaps it’s the coolness of the water and the misty relief its spray brings to an oppressive summer day. Perhaps it’s the mystery of an unending supply of water and the constant filling of the pool that captivates us. Or maybe it’s just a soothing distraction from the great busyness around us. Whatever the reason, this much is true: Fountains are stress-relieving and life-giving.

It’s no surprise, then, that God would call Himself “the spring of living water.” He is a constant, endless supply of refreshing life. He delivers peace and relaxation. When we stop and really focus on Him, we are treated to mesmerizing beauty. Like a fountain, He brings joy and contentment. He constantly refreshes and fills the pool that is the human heart.

When Jesus met a Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well (John 4), He encountered an empty woman who had experienced massive personal tragedy through the loss of five husbands either by death or divorce, and finally was living with a man she wasn’t married to. And Jesus promised the ultimate solution: living water. He promised to quench her thirsty soul once and for all. And He promises you the very same relief.

If you are thirsty, come to Jesus and drink. There you’ll find eternal refreshment for your parched heart.

What part of your life is withered and dry and needs “the spring of living water”?


God, I often get so consumed with my hurts and struggles that I forget to pursue fulfillment in You. Help me realize I will never quench my soul’s thirst apart from the relief You offer. Amen.

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