Lo Shanah – Unchanging

How does the fact of God’s unchanging nature give you confidence and security in a world that is full of changes?

“I the Lord do not change. So you, the descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed.” Malachi 3:6

It seems that nothing in this world is safe from change. Most brands we loved as kids look different today (if they even still exist). Famous hamburger chains now offer salads. Cable companies now offer telephone service.

We grow taller (and then wider). Our hair turns gray (or falls out). Our athletic abilities and mental faculties slip away.

Those six-pack abs morph into a spare tire. We get wrinkles. Our teeth fall out. Even our most treasured relationships change. Best friends get transferred. Our kids grow up and move away.

The fact remains that everything changes—everything except for God. Only God is unchanging. God does not rebrand. He does not evolve.

He does not grow old and fall apart. He does not move away. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

And when everything in our lives is so unstable, it gives us great comfort to know that God won’t change. He is the same today as He was at creation. What security that provides!

How does the fact of God’s unchanging nature give you confidence and security in a world that is full of changes?

God, I praise You that You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. Thank You for being my constant security and foundation. Amen.

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