In the Bible, we also see another expert in seeking and finding refuge. David often hunkered down in caves to avoid inclement weather or to hide from the murderous King Saul.
“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1
Sometimes it’s the things we can’t see that are the most dangerous: Internet hackers; toxins in the air; impurities in our food; that erratic driver coming our way, right around the corner, just out of sight. Where can we find safety and refuge from such threats?
In the Bible, we read about “cities of refuge.” These designated cities provided a safe place where people could flee and hide. If, for example, you accidentally killed someone, you could hightail it to one of these cities of refuge and find protection.
Within these city walls, you’d be safe from any grieving, irate family member seeking vengeance. As long as you remained in this place of refuge, you were safe from the threat of a surprise retaliation.
In the Bible, we also see another expert in seeking and finding refuge. David often hunkered down in caves to avoid inclement weather or to hide from the murderous King Saul.
David rarely knew exactly where Saul was—only that he was out there somewhere, looking for him, and that he might strike at any time.
It’s no surprise, then, to see David begin to refer to God as his “refuge” (machsi). It’s such a great word with such a rich image. Machsi means “my shelter,” but it can also be translated as “my hope” or “my trust.” No city or cave is completely safe, but David learned that Jehovah-Machsi always is.
You may only be aware of a few threats today (and oblivious to a hundred other dangers). But you can trust God as your refuge to shield you from all the troubles you see, as well as the dangers you can’t even imagine.
The true power of God is that He saves us in many ways we will never know, because due to His intervention, we never saw those dangers come to fruition in the first place.
Looking back on your life, where have you seen God’s protection long after the danger had passed?
God, help me understand that You have always been and will always be my refuge. When things are difficult and not going my way, remind me that You are protecting me from even worse outcomes.