To acknowledge God’s majesty is to give Him the worship and affection He is due simply because He is God. In His very nature He owns the right to be exalted and worshipped.
“Out of the north he comes in golden splendor; God comes in awesome majesty. The Almighty is beyond our reach and exalted in power; in his justice and great righteousness, he does not oppress.” Job 37:22–23
“I love my boss because she treats me well.”
“I guess I owe my parents a little extra time over the holidays because of all they’ve done for me.”“This is the best coach I ever had. I would do anything for him.”
Our affection for others is often conditional. While we may think we’re above that, at many levels our loyalty and actions are driven—at least at first—by how we are treated.
After all, a great management team will earn your loyalty and loving parents are easier to respect.
Need further proof that our affections can be conditional? Consider how difficult it is to remain loyal to a boss who makes your life difficult.
And while we may choose to treat family members with love, sometimes our previous history can make it challenging to follow through with acts of love.
To acknowledge God’s majesty is to give Him the worship and affection He is due simply because He is God. In His very nature He owns the right to be exalted and worshipped.
He is due this right, not because of anything He’s done for us, but because He is worthy of praise simply because he is God. His nature is majestic, transcendent, rich, and powerful.
It is because of God’s majestic nature that the angels cannot help but worship Him (Isaiah 6:3; Revelation 4:8). His very majesty offers such grandeur, beauty, and imposing form that anyone who stands before Him must pay tribute and worship.
If we could sneak a peak in heaven, we’d find a majestic King who has all power at His disposal and is worthy of all worship and honor.
In the words of David (1 Chronicles 29:11–13), “Praise be to you, LORD, the God of our father Israel, from everlasting to everlasting.
Yours, LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours.
Yours, LORD, is the kingdom; you are exalted as head over all.
Wealth and honor come from you; you are the ruler of all things.
In your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all.
Now, our God, we give you thanks, and praise your glorious name.”
God, our King, is worthy of praise because of who He is, not just based on what He’s done.
In what ways do you need to more properly view God as a King?
God, help me better grasp the worship You are due simply because You are my God and King. Amen.