One night Nebuchadnezzar, the ancient Babylonian king and conqueror of Judah, had a troubling dream. Upset and worried, he summoned his top wise men.
“But there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries. He has shown King Nebuchadnezzar what will happen in days to come.” Daniel 2:28
One night Nebuchadnezzar, the ancient Babylonian king and conqueror of Judah, had a troubling dream. Upset and worried, he summoned his top wise men.
Nebuchadnezzar knew being a consultant was a very subjective business that often involved more speculation than fact (especially since no one likes to give bad news to powerful people), so he decided to raise the stakes.
Before hearing his advisers spout various opinions about the meaning of his dream, he’d first make them state the facts of the dream.
(Only someone with a divine hotline could know such details, right?) Failure to do so would result in termination and extermination.
Understandably, Nebuchadnezzar’s advisers panicked. Who can read another’s mind, even under the threat of death (perhaps especially under the threat of death)?
Enter Daniel, the Jewish prophet and worshipper of the one true God. Noting that God is the revealer of mysteries, Daniel was unfazed by the king’s edict.
He assured all who would listen that God is powerful enough to give dreams, read minds, and interpret cryptic, mystical revelations. Sure enough, aided and empowered by God, Daniel revealed things only God could have known.
Life is full of mysteries. What does tomorrow hold? Will I get to keep my current job? How will our children turn out? Will the cancer return? Will my marriage ever improve? Only God knows these things.
What we know—and what we can trust—is that God will reveal what we need to know, when we need to know it.
To which questions about your future would you like answers? How does it comfort you to know that God already knows what is to come?
God, there is so much mystery and uncertainty in my life. Thank You that You increase my faith by only revealing to me the things I need to know right now. Amen.