Friends and fellow believers can be—and are supposed to be—a source of encouragement to us. But even the best friends and most loyal loved ones will let us down.
“What other nation is so great as to have their gods near them the way the Lord our God is near us whenever we pray to him?” Deuteronomy 4:7
Is there a human state of mind more temperamental than confidence? You can be riding high one minute, buoyed by verbal praise from a coworker, a raise from the boss, or a night out with a friend.
And before you know what hit you, you can be feeling like a total loser, wrecked by an unkind word, or demoralized by the frustrating circumstances of the daily grind.
Here’s what’s undeniably true: When we depend primarily on other people or the circumstances of life for encouragement, we’re headed for certain disappointment.
Friends and fellow believers can be—and are supposed to be—a source of encouragement to us. But even the best friends and most loyal loved ones will let us down.
Take heart. There’s a better way.
Deuteronomy reminds us that the most loyal, most consistent force in our lives is our God, who is near. He is with us all the time and instills in us His power, confidence, authority, and comfort. The most powerful being in the universe is always nearby.
Are you facing discouraging realities? Here are some encouraging truths:
• God is with you (even if you can’t see or feel His presence).
• God is all-powerful and sovereign. He’s in control (even if that doesn’t seem true).
• God’s nature is love and His heart is good (even when things don’t look that way).
Don’t look first to people or situations to lift you up. You can, at any time—even at this very second—go directly and boldly to the One who designed this amazing substance called encouragement. You can go to His Word. You can go to Him in prayer.
You can lift your hands to Him and sing His holy name. What better encouragement is there than all that?
It’s only when we seek and trust the God who is always with us that we find the confidence we need to face life’s tough stuff.
In what ways can you face your current obstacles differently because you know that God is near, even if you don’t feel it?
Thank You, God, for being close at hand. Remind me to turn to You first for renewed confidence when I am discouraged. Amen.