If you have children, think of the endearing nicknames you’ve called them. Or think of the pet names your parents used to call you. Now consider the depth of the love behind them. We humans are not the only ones to use affectionate nicknames.
“There is no one like the God of Jeshurun, who rides across the heavens to help you and on the clouds in his majesty.” Deuteronomy 33:26
If you have children, think of the endearing nicknames you’ve called them. Or think of the pet names your parents used to call you.
Now consider the depth of the love behind them. We humans are not the only ones to use affectionate nicknames.
God does it too. Here in Deuteronomy, He calls His people Jeshurun, which means “dear, upright people.” Early Greek translators of the Old Testament translated Jeshurun to ēgapēmenos, which means “beloved.”
Now read Deuteronomy 32:15–16: “Jeshurun grew fat and kicked; filled with food, they became heavy and sleek. They abandoned the God who made them.” His own creatures—His covenant people and spiritual children—rejected Him!
God would not call His people Jeshurun unless He meant it. God really and truly loves Israel, the way a father loves his children.
And God really and truly loves us. His heart breaks when we turn away from Him.
How does it make you feel to think that God has a loving pet name for you?
God, help me to somehow know Your love for me—a love that surpasses knowledge. Help me return that same affection. Amen.