El Shamayim – The God of Heaven

Israel’s God set Himself apart by identifying Himself as the “God who saves” (El-Moshaah). What could be more meaningful to any human anywhere than escaping death?

“Our God is a God who saves; from the Sovereign LORD comes escape from death.” Psalm 68:20

Each god in antiquity was known for a certain strength or ability. Zeus was known as the king of the gods. Athena was considered the goddess of war.

Apollo was regarded as the god of the sun. Poseidon was the god of the sea. Aphrodite was worshipped as the goddess of love and beauty. Ares was the god of war.

Israel’s God set Himself apart by identifying Himself as the “God who saves” (El-Moshaah). What could be more meaningful to any human anywhere than escaping death?

Death has been humanity’s “last enemy” (1 Corinthians 15:26) almost since the beginning of time. God told Adam and Eve (Genesis 2–3) that when they ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they would certainly die.

Despite this overt, stark warning, our original ancestors chose to rebel anyway. Their choice plunged the world into sin and brokenness. Since then, human existence has been marked by death—both spiritual and physical.

But in identifying Himself as the God who saves, God declares Himself as the One who can free us from all the consequences of sin—up to and including death.

His poured-out, resurrected life is able to undo the curse of the fall. His death pays for sin. His resurrection brings new life. This is the Good News. And these blessings can be ours—salvation can be experienced—if we believe (John 5:24).

Our God is the God who saves. Of course, He does much more than that. He is not limited to one “specialty” like Athena or Apollo.

In addition to saving, He creates, redeems, delivers, protects, and so much more.

Who or what needs saving in your life today? Call upon El-Moshaah, the God who saves.

In how many different ways has God saved you?

God, I praise You for saving me. In Jesus, whose name means “the Lord is salvation,” You have saved me from sin and so much more. Open my eyes that I may see all the different ways You deliver me. Amen.

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