The Bible uses the adjective gibbhor (“mighty”) to describe only a few people. Nimrod was called “a mighty warrior” (Genesis 10:8–9).
“And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6
The Bible uses the adjective gibbhor (“mighty”) to describe only a few people. Nimrod was called “a mighty warrior” (Genesis 10:8–9).
King David had a group of “mighty warriors” who accomplished breathtaking military feats (2 Samuel 23:8).
Yet the concept of “mighty” becomes supercharged when attached to God. As El Gibbhor, God is the ultimate, divine superhero. Nothing can compare to Him in terms of strength.
Because He is El Gibbhor, we will never find our Maker wringing His hands—or throwing up His hands—over potential outcomes.
Elections? Court decisions? Legislative debates? Wars in volatile regions? El Gibbhor’s not worried, because He’s not impotent.
He’s omnipotent. He doesn’t have to fret or wonder about how things will unfold. He simply makes things happen. He’s never surprised by the unfolding of world events.
What this means for us is that we can trust God’s power in every situation. The One who overcame sin and death can defeat every strong foe that comes against us.
One day all creation will bow humbly at the feet of our mighty Lord (Philippians 2:10).
Where do you need to see our Mighty God work today?
God, help me remember that You are the Mighty God. Where I am weak, show yourself strong in my life. Amen.