El Death – The God of Knowledge

God has complete knowledge of all subjects, all disciplines, and all fields.

“Do not keep talking so proudly or let your mouth speak such arrogance, for the LORD is a God who knows, and by him deeds are weighed.” 1 Samuel 2:3

Our culture loves specialists. We don’t just go to the doctor—we go to the endocrinologist, the dermatologist, or the podiatrist.

We seek out experts in other areas of life too. We ask an interior designer for help in updating the old home we just bought.

We ask nutritionists about recipes. We secure the services of a strength and conditioning coach for our child with athletic promise.

We make appointments with tutors who can prepare our high school students to do well on the SAT or ACT exam.

Specialists are awesome—so long as they stick to what they know. The problem is, no one can specialize in everything. No one, that is, but God.

Imagine all the expertise of one specialist multiplied by however many facets of life there are. Imagine knowing literally everything that can be known. That’s the God we serve.

He knows how to split atoms and how to measure the universe. He knows which spice brings out the flavor of what vegetable, not to mention the mechanics of the perfect baseball swing.

God has complete knowledge of all subjects, all disciplines, and all fields.

But he possesses more than just factual, encyclopedic information. The God of knowledge is also fully aware of all fluid situations.

At any given moment, He knows how many hairs are on your head (Luke 12:7) and when and where a sickly sparrow falls to the earth (Matthew 10:29).

Such “perfect knowledge” (Job 36:4) means nothing is hidden from God’s sight. As Adam and Eve discovered in the Garden of Eden after they ate from the tree they hoped would give them all knowledge, God was cognizant of all they had done—demonstrating the infinite contrast between human knowledge and God’s perfect knowledge.

When we bow to the truth of God’s perfect, ultimate knowledge, we can put our faith in the fact that He knows what is best for us.

God can look into our past and into our future and tell us the best path to follow.

In what ways do you sometimes doubt God’s knowledge?

God, I’m very quick to rely on my own area of expertise. My limited view is sometimes enough for me. Help me ask for and embrace the vast knowledge that You give. Amen.

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