No king rules over another. God is the great exception to this magnanimous plan. According to the Bible, He is the King of all kings. He is over all as the supreme leader. He has no equal.
“On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: King Of Kings and Lord of Lords.” Revelation 19:16
Legend has it that King Arthur met with his lords and knights at a round table so they would perceive one another as equals. This concept did not die with ancient times; today’s United Nations has rules in place—and even seating arrangements—to try to make people from all countries feel equal.
The smallest countries are encouraged to have a voice as big as the most powerful ones. At least in theory, no nation is favored over another. No nation is sovereign over another.
No king rules over another. God is the great exception to this magnanimous plan. According to the Bible, He is the King of all kings. He is over all as the supreme leader. He has no equal.
When it comes to governing the universe, there is no democratic vote. He doesn’t sit at a conference table next to us; He sits on a throne above us. His will is law all the time, because He has authority in every corner of the world.
That’s what the Bible declares; but if we’re honest, it doesn’t always feel like that’s the case, does it? We look around and see certain leaders doing whatever they want. They don’t seem subject to anyone. They make scary threats and empty promises.
Meanwhile God seems silent, sometimes even passive. Why is this? It’s because God isn’t a dictator who micromanages His subjects.
It’s also because, for now, God’s rule is largely spiritual, His kingdom invisible. For now, the King of kings gives earthly leaders, nations, and individuals much freedom.
But with that freedom, He also gives this promise: The day is coming when the heavens will open up and the Lord will descend to rule visibly, physically, and unmistakably upon the earth. On that day there will be no mistaking who is in charge or where the buck stops. All will give an account to the King of kings.
Today while you watch the news or surf the Internet shaking your head at the chaos and unrest in the world, remind yourself that things are not what they seem.
Our God is the King of kings. He’s got the whole world—us included—in His good hands.
How could reminding yourself that God is the King of kings change your perspective of current political events?
In a world full of dictators, emperors, despots, and presidents, I praise You, God, that You are the King of kings, victorious ruler of all things. Amen.