Baal – Husband

God as a husband? Most men don’t exactly relish the thought of being likened to a bride. And women with negative marital experiences might recoil at this particular metaphor.

“For your Maker is your husband—the LORD Almighty is his name—the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; he is called the God of all the earth.” Isaiah 54:5

To help us understand the character of God, the writers of the Bible relied on objects and images from everyday life. Most of us have seen, for example, a big boulder.

We also know firsthand what a dad is, so we can draw on those experiences when Scripture likens God to a rock or calls Him our Father.

And when Isaiah spoke to the people of Israel about their betrayal of God (Isaiah 54), he called God Israel’s husband, speaking to the exclusive intimacy God wants with His covenant people.

Though Scripture reveals the negative connection of the word ba’al with a Canaanite pagan god, the Hebrew word ba’al actually means “lord,” “master,” or “husband.”

God as a husband? Most men don’t exactly relish the thought of being likened to a bride. And women with negative marital experiences might recoil at this particular metaphor.

But as demonstrated in His relationship with Israel, God wants to be like a husband to those He loves.

To truly appreciate the image, we have to look beyond a world full of imperfect human spouses and remember that our God is perfect.

Envision for a moment what a perfect husband would look like: He would be sacrificial, servant-minded, supportive, affirming, patient, empowering, forgiving, trustworthy, reliable, faithful, thoughtful, passionate, compassionate, and protective.

A perfect husband wants to spend time with his bride, and wants to know her. He is interested in her growth, in her success.

He takes interest in his wife’s talents and gifts, and is never too tired or too busy to talk. He wants to take care of his wife, to keep her safe. He cherishes her and wants to help her become her best self.

Now let’s take it one step further and envision a perfect marriage. Such a marriage gives its participants incredible joy, purpose, peace, and fulfillment.

And the union is about far more than just the husband and wife. The love in an ideal marriage spills out and blesses all those around it. The love in such a marriage changes the world—it changes eternity.

Good news! The gospel says that if you trust in Christ, you are (along with other believers) the “bride” of Christ and you are destined for the wedding celebration of the ages (Revelation 19:7–9).

Enjoy life with and be faithful to the holy Husband who willingly and sacrificially joins His life to yours.

What do you see when you imagine God as the perfect husband?

God, thank You that the relationship You desire with Your people is closer and greater than any relationship I could experience on earth. I rejoice in the love You have for me. Amen.

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