If Jacob could speak for himself here, no doubt he’d tell us that God, who never ceases to be mighty, stands in sharp contrast to the world’s “mighty” corporations or leaders.
“But his bow remained steady, his strong arms stayed limber, because of the hand of the Mighty One of Jacob, because of the Shepherd, the Rock of Israel.” Genesis 49:24
You probably don’t remember when the Ford Model T dominated the automobile world, crushing all rivals.
Or when the release of the new Sears catalog was as big a deal as the release of a new iPhone. How about when Internet Explorer was the only web browser and nobody Googled anything?
The point is obvious: Popular products come and go. We witness the rise of mighty companies and products, and then we watch them fade into obscurity as the next generation of technology and leadership takes their place. We call these entities powerful, but they are nothing in the face of real power.
On his deathbed, the great Jewish patriarch Jacob called God Abir Jacob. Abir is an old, poetic name for God that means “the Strong one.”
If Jacob could speak for himself here, no doubt he’d tell us that God, who never ceases to be mighty, stands in sharp contrast to the world’s “mighty” corporations or leaders.
He is an eternally dominant force, the ultimate authority forever and ever, amen.
God’s might is not tied to trends, popular opinion, or the fickleness of consumers. Fashion and culture do not in any way alter God’s power. In the day of Adam, God was mighty.
In the days of Noah and Abraham, God was mighty. His mightiness remained constant in the days of Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Malachi. And His mighty power remains unlimited during this era of Bill Gates, Apple, and Amazon.
Great products come and go. Powers rise and fall. Only God and His mighty power remain forever.
We can be confident in this and rest assured that when all else fades away, the Mighty One of Jacob will remain.
Where have you seen God’s mighty power at work recently?
God, I have my favorite brands, gadgets, and personalities. Help me draw a distinction between the compelling and powerful things of earth and Your true might. Amen.