Some of us wander from one thing to another our whole lives. An out-of-focus purpose can’t inspire us, but a crystal-clear lens on God’s purpose for us rivets our attention and gives us energy to keep going until we reach our goals.
Write It Down! Daily devotional by Zig Ziglar
The LORD answered me and said: “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; but at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it.” HABAKKUK 2:2-3
SOME OF US WANDER from one thing to another our whole lives. We’re capable of so much more, but we have never clarified our purpose in life.
An out-of-focus purpose can’t inspire us, but a crystal-clear lens on God’s purpose for us rivets our attention and gives us energy to keep going until we reach our goals.
While the prophet Habakkuk was in prayer, God told him to write down the vision He was giving him. In that day, scribes used a stylus to etch words into blocks of clay. It took work, so they thought carefully about what they wanted to write in order to avoid wasting time and tablets.
We need to write our vision down in clear, compelling language so that it grips our hearts. A clearly written vision statement frees us from confusion so that we can “run” instead of wander, stumble, or go backward. A clear vision overcomes inertia and produces the inspiration to run toward our goals.
But the fulfillment of our vision, God tells the prophet, is in His timing, not ours. Seldom does anyone move in a straight line from the conception of a dream to its fulfillment. Far more often, we experience ups and downs, delays, and disappointments.
These, though, won’t stop us if we keep our eyes on our purpose and on the One who has given it to us.
– Do you have a clear, compelling vision statement?
– What would it (or does it) mean to you to have one?
“We grow by dreams. All big men are big dreamers. Some of us let dreams die, but others nourish and protect them, nurse them through bad days . . . to the sunshine and light which always comes.” — WOODROW WILSON