Paul describes the place of beholding God as the absolute center of the new covenant we have been brought into. The impulse that drives the life of the believer isn’t the need to perform for God but to commune with Him.
Transformed To His Image. Devotional by Bill Johnson
But we all, seeing the glory of the Lord with unveiled faces, as in a mirror, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory by the Spirit of the Lord. —2 Corinthians 3:18
Paul describes the place of beholding God as the absolute center of the new covenant we have been brought into. The impulse that drives the life of the believer isn’t the need to perform for God but to commune with Him.
Only when we perceive the face of the One in whose image we were made do we come to know who we are and the One for whom we were made. And because of who He is, to behold Him and remain unchanged is impossible.
As He infects us with His presence, we are drawn into an ongoing mission by the One who longs for us.
This mission is simply the mission to become more and more fit to see Him in His fullness. Does the need to perform for God drive your thinking and behavior at all? Would you say you find your identity in the face of Christ or in what you do?
To truly see God is to be changed by Him and to become more like Him.