To Be Found Faithful

The earliest, and still the best, biblical example of a steward is Joseph—the favorite son of Jacob who was sold as a slave into Egypt by his jealous brothers.

To Be Found Faithful | Devotional

Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful.
1 Corinthians 4:2

Steward” used to be a common concept, most notably in the form of a “stewardess”—when airline flight attendants were all females.

Now, stewards are mostly found in labor unions (shop steward), fancy restaurants (wine steward), and cruise ships (ship’s steward).

The earliest, and still the best, biblical example of a steward is Joseph—the favorite son of Jacob who was sold as a slave into Egypt by his jealous brothers.

So rich was the blessing of God on Joseph that his Egyptian master, the wealthy Potiphar, made Joseph the overseer and manager (steward) of his entire household.

Joseph was responsible for everything: finances, the other servants and employees, and Potiphar’s reputation as it related to all his affairs.

A steward’s chief occupation is to do what his master would want done. A steward’s responsibilities can be summed up in two words—loyalty and faithfulness.

Look around and within at what God has given you: gifts, talents, money, property, opportunities, and possibilities. Every Christian is a steward of God—He has provided—we are to be faithful.

Our need is not to prove God’s faithfulness but to demonstrate our own, by trusting Him both to determine and to supply our needs according to His will.

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