The Mind of the Father

The natural or unsaved man does not have the ability to discern God’s ways. Only the person who has accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior can know the mind of God, and even then there is a limitation to the knowledge given.

The Mind of the Father | Devotional

Scripture Reading: John 14:16 –18
key Verse: John 14:26

The Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.

The natural or unsaved man does not have the ability to discern God’s ways. Only the person who has accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior can know the mind of God, and even then there is a limitation to the knowledge given.

We cannot really know all things about God. Jesus told His disciples that there are some things the Father has kept unto Himself.

Perhaps God does this because He knows that our limited, earthbound minds could not understand the vastness and power that are His. In this way, we do not need to understand all that God knows.

But we do need to know Him as our personal Savior and loving Lord.

He has given us the Holy Spirit so that we might know Him better. Over the course of your lifetime, God will reveal many things about Himself.

One thing you can be sure of, He will never withhold His loving care from you. He is present with you today, through the life of the Holy Spirit. You can pray to the Lord and know He hears you.

Even when you don’t know what to pray, God is aware of every need and will minister His hope to your heart so you will not become tired or weary. God’s Spirit is there, conveying His love and truth each moment.

You are held safe in the arms of Christ because the Holy Spirit stands guard over your soul. Praise Him for His goodness and mercy!

Perhaps God does this because He knows that our limited, earthbound minds could not understand the vastness and power that are His. In this way, we do not need to understand all that God knows.

But we do need to know Him as our personal Savior and loving Lord.

He has given us the Holy Spirit so that we might know Him better. Over the course of your lifetime, God will reveal many things about Himself.

One thing you can be sure of, He will never withhold His loving care from you. He is present with you today, through the life of the Holy Spirit. You can pray to the Lord and know He hears you.

Even when you don’t know what to pray, God is aware of every need and will minister His hope to your heart so you will not become tired or weary. God’s Spirit is there, conveying His love and truth each moment.

You are held safe in the arms of Christ because the Holy Spirit stands guard over your soul. Praise Him for His goodness and mercy!

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