Thanking God That I’m Not God

Are you ready to celebrate your recovery in a healthy, God-honoring way, by thank- ing him that you’re not him and for the victory he’s declared over the demons in your life?

Thanking God That I’m Not God, a Daily devotional by Katie Brazelton

“O Lord, God of our ancestors, you alone are the God who is in heaven. You are ruler of all the kingdoms of the earth. You are powerful and mighty; no one can stand against you!” 2 Chronicles 20:6

Have you recognized God’s kingship yet and admitted your need for him, or do you still playact as if you are controlling the world? The Gospel writer Matthew tells us, “You’re blessed when you’re at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule” (Matthew 5:3, The Message).

God’s unequivocal majesty is the biblical foundation of the Twelve Steps for Believers, helping us resign as Ruler of the World, admit that we’re powerless over our dependencies (Step One), and gratefully undergo a character makeover.

Are you ready to celebrate your recovery in a healthy, God-honoring way, by thank- ing him that you’re not him and for the victory he’s declared over the demons in your life?

Celebratory parties of your past may have been marred by food-induced comas, alcohol-fueled gossip, drug-incited tirades, predictable police reports, or upstaging the Joneses, but this moment is about commemorating the joy of saying good-bye to all that.

As Tom Peters, a wise management guru on the topic of success, has said, “Celebrate what you want to see more of.”

After we get this party started of allowing God to be God, he has a beyond-belief surprise for you—an exceptional high, one that’s key to your recovery. It’s the thrill of discovering and fulfilling his will for your life.

As a Life Purpose Coach, I can testify that this heart-pounding experience of having purpose assigned to your life is God’s commissioning of a great artwork, a magnum opus, in you. It starts out as his precious gift to you of all the hope that purpose brings. Somewhere along the way, though, you realize that it’s also your opus gloria, your finest symphony performed for his glory.

Soul Search
How do you feel about admitting that you’re not God—in fact, that you’re actually powerless without him? What small action step could help you explore his purpose- filled will for your life?

God of the spiritually blind, I’m not doing so well. In fact, I’m lost. Please come find me and open my eyes to your kingship and majesty.

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