Too often we get caught up in our own works concerning prayer. Sometimes we try to pray so long, loud, or fancy that we lose sight of the fact that prayer is really just conversation with God.
Simple, Believing Prayer. A Daily Devotional by Joyce Meyer
And when you pray, do not heap up phrases (multiply words, repeating the same ones over and over) as the Gentiles do, for they think they will be heard for their much speaking. MATTHEW 6:7
I was dissatisfied with my prayer life for many years. I was committed to praying every morning, but I always felt something was missing.
I finally asked God what was wrong, and He responded in my heart by saying, “Joyce, you don’t feel that your prayers are good enough.” I wasn’t enjoying prayer because I had no confidence that my prayers were acceptable.
Too often we get caught up in our own works concerning prayer. Sometimes we try to pray so long, loud, or fancy that we lose sight of the fact that prayer is really just conversation with God.
The length or loudness or eloquence of our prayer is not the issue. The only important elements to prayer are the sincerity of our hearts and a confidence that God hears and will answer us.
We can be confident that even if we simply say, “God help me,” He hears and will answer.
We can depend on God to be faithful to do what we have asked Him to do as long as our request is in accordance with His will.
Simple, believing prayer comes straight out of the heart and goes straight to the heart of God.