In our world, mediation is crucial in dispute resolution. A mediator assists and guides parties toward an amicable and acceptable resolution, and they conduct mediation in a fair and unbiased manner.
Our Great Mediator In Life—Jesus Christ | Devotional
For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, 6who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.
1 Timothy 2:5–6
In our world, mediation is crucial in dispute resolution. A mediator assists and guides parties toward an amicable and acceptable resolution, and they conduct mediation in a fair and unbiased manner.
However, the Bible says there is one mediator! There is not one mediator for kings and another for their subjects, not one for the rich and another for the poor.
There is not one God for the master and another for the slave. The mediator is a peacemaker, a middle person whose office it is to reconcile two parties at enmity.
Beloved, there is one God of all men, not many gods. One God is the Maker, Creator, Governor, and Preserver of all men. One God of every nation, who offers grace and desires salvation of all.
It is also remarkable that there is but one mediator, Jesus Christ, between God and all people. God was offended with the sins of mankind and was far from mankind. Christ stands as a middle person and makes reconciliation for the sins of mankind.
He makes peace for mankind by His blood, and He provides satisfying justice for them. He appears for them in the court of Heaven as one mediator between God and men. He intercedes and pleads for them as their advocate—one who stands between God and men to reconcile man to God.
In effect, He appeared to transact the whole affair of our salvation for mankind. What the mediator gave as a ransom for men was Himself as a sacrifice for sin. The one great mediator alone holds the office of making intercession with God and procuring covenant blessing for His people.
Sin had brought enmity between mankind and God. Man was the captive slave of Satan, sold under sin, and man was unable to set himself free because man was captivated by sin and its bondage. How despicable, useless, and shameful man finds himself.
Christ, therefore, gave Himself as a ransom for men of every rank and file, of every age and sex, and for all mankind. Every folk, tongue, and nation, and in fact for the whole world, He gave Himself as a ransom for all.
Jesus Christ, the mediator, came to break the wall of enmity and to secure peace for us with God. Therefore, wherever the Gospel of Christ is faithfully spread, peace is spread. Thus, mediator brings peace! This is the charter of peace we have which the mediator ratified with His precious and everlasting blood.
The mediator, Jesus Christ, had done it all. Fractured relationships restored, salvation effected, everlasting peace accomplished with assurance of eternal life. The grace of God through Christ is now available to all.
There is room for everyone to be saved! Today, may Christ Jesus be revealed in your hearts for total consummation of your salvation. He has paid it all for you, eternally free, and He has reconciled you to God, ensuring peace in the hearts of those who accept Him as lord and Saviour of life. No more slavery to sin and no more captivity to any bleak life.
You have been set free from all vestiges of sin for whom the Son, therefore, shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed (John 8:36). Believe in Jesus Christ and have faith in Him, for the ransom is paid for your total emancipation. Forever free! Shout hallelujah to His precious name! Amen.